"Excellence is a better teacher than mediocrity. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary." (Warren G. Bennis)
This concept of 'excellence' challenges me, as it once did the great masters--to create representational works through the medium of watercolor that speaks to the heart. It beckons the mind of the viewer into the beauty and creativity of the everyday wonders around us. I especially enjoy creating images that few others would ever consider painting because of their overwhelming complexity.
Known for my representational paintings of reflections--especially of windows. I love how each tells its own story--inside--as well as outside the window. My goal and passion is to paint an image on a 2-dimensional surface making it look as 3-dimensional as possible.
I draw inspiration for my compositions from my beloved North Carolina as well as two years in Africa, trips to China, Europe and throughout the U.S. where I have lived or traveled. However, I agree with Andrew Wyeth, who once said there was enough subject matter in his own backyard to paint over several lifetimes.
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